(575) 825-7222 Las Cruces, NM
(575) 825-7222 Las Cruces, NM



Addiction |

Las Cruces Recovery Center blog articles in the field of substance use disorders and addiction recovery. Here you will find news, information, and inspiration about drug and alcohol addiction and recovery.

Thanksgiving has passed, and now we move on to the December holidays. If you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or another December holiday, you might feel some concern about how you’ll get through the season with your sobriety intact. It’s a valid concern: relapse rates have been shown to spike significantly during the holidays, and some...
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Enabling, What Does it Mean to Enable?
If your loved one suffers from addiction to alcohol or drugs, you have probably heard the word “enabling.” Maybe you have been accused of enabling your loved one’s addiction, or maybe you know you’re enabling them but don’t know how to stop. Here’s a hard truth: if you are the spouse, partner, or parent of...
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loved one in rehab, What to Do When Your Loved One Enters Treatment, Ways to Support Your Loved One While They’re In Treatment, Ways To Support Yourself While Your Loved One is in Treatment
The hard part is over: you’ve seen your loved one spiral down into addiction or undergo a relapse, you’ve convinced them to go to treatment, you’ve made all the arrangements, and you’ve probably packed their things and dropped them off at the admissions office. Now you’re home again, your loved one absent. What’s next? Can you...
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Las Cruces Recovery Center Welcomes First Patients
Facility Expands Access to Substance Use and Mental Health Treatments in New MexicoLas Cruces, NM – September 23, 2024 – Las Cruces Recovery Center (Las Cruces Recovery), a new 54-bed facility offering comprehensive, evidence-based care to adults living with substance use and mental health conditions is pleased to announce its grand opening.With a dedicated, compassionate...
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Myths About Women and Substance Addiction
Dispelling Myths About Women and Substance AddictionPeople who haven’t struggled with addiction often have a hard time understanding the disease and how difficult it is to overcome. Our culture tends to stereotype people with addiction in a negative way that makes it harder for those suffering to seek treatment. Women with substance use disorder (SUD)...
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The Link Between Addiction and Suicide
Substance addiction and suicide are two deeply troubling issues that often go hand in hand. The link between the two is complex and multifaceted, with addiction playing a significant role in increasing the risk of suicide.  Understanding Addiction and Its Impact on Mental Health Addiction encompasses more than just a physical dependence on substances. It...
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Reducing the Stigma of Substance Addiction
Substance addiction is a complex and challenging issue that affects millions of people in the United States. In 2022, 48.7 million people, or 17.3% of the population aged 12 or older, struggled with drug or alcohol addiction, and the numbers are increasing. Unfortunately, one of the biggest barriers to seeking help and support for addiction...
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How Does Addiction Affect the Brain?
Drug and alcohol addiction, also called substance use disorder, is a complex and destructive disease that affects more than 46 million people in the United States. Substance addiction not only takes a toll on an individual’s physical and mental health, but it also significantly impacts the brain, causing significant changes in its chemistry, structure, and...
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Health Risks of Drug and Alcohol Addiction
When a person is addicted to drugs or alcohol, it often leads to serious physical and mental health conditions. The individual using the substance is consumed by their need to satisfy their craving. They are not concerned by what is happening to their body. But long-term use of any substance, illegal or legal, can slowly...
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Risk Factors for Addiction, Factors for Addiction, risk factors that can increase the chance of addiction
Substance use disorders affect more than 20 million people in the United States aged 12 and over. As the number of people affected by drug and alcohol addiction continues to rise, you may wonder what causes one person to become addicted and not another. Several risk factors are at play in addiction.What are the Risk...
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