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(575) 825-7222 Las Cruces, NM


Families in Recovery

Families in Recovery |

Here you will find blog articles that have been written on the topic of families in recovery. Addiction is a family disease, and all can recover.

Recovering from addiction is a deeply personal journey, but it’s one that becomes a little easier with the right support system by your side. For many, family plays a critical role in this process, offering encouragement, stability, and love as you work toward healing. At Las Cruces Recovery Center, we’ve seen firsthand how meaningful family...
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Enabling, What Does it Mean to Enable?
If your loved one suffers from addiction to alcohol or drugs, you have probably heard the word “enabling.” Maybe you have been accused of enabling your loved one’s addiction, or maybe you know you’re enabling them but don’t know how to stop. Here’s a hard truth: if you are the spouse, partner, or parent of...
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Residential Treatment, Residential Treatment Program for Drugs and Alcohol, inpatient residential treatment, Residential Treatment, social, sober, friends, sobriety, drug recovery, rehab
Are you feeling anxious and wondering if you can hang out with friends in a social setting while staying sober? If you are new to recovery, you will want to avoid any situation that could be a trigger and put you at risk for relapse. Being well-prepared, having a strong system of support, and making...
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Exercise in Addiction, exercise addiction recovery treatment
When a person is recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction, following a regular exercise routine is essential. Yet the power of exercising regularly to help maintain sobriety is often underestimated. Exercise has a positive effect physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.Eight Benefits of Exercise in Addiction RecoveryHere are eight of the numerous benefits of regular...
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Myths about Addiction and Recovery, pretty young woman signing the number seven with her hands against a pink background - myths
What Are Myths? One definition of myth is a false belief held by many people. When it comes to addiction and recovery, myths are harmful to everyone involved. Only when people understand the truth about substance abuse, addiction, and recovery can long-term healing begin. We offer below seven common addiction myths and the realities behind...
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