(575) 825-7222 Las Cruces, NM
(575) 825-7222 Las Cruces, NM



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Recovering from addiction is about more than just staying sober—it’s about rebuilding your life with purpose, joy, and fulfillment. When you remove substances from your life, it’s natural to wonder what comes next. Finding hobbies and passions in recovery is a key step toward long-term sobriety. Engaging in meaningful activities not only helps fill the...
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Trust is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. It’s what holds people together, creating a foundation of understanding, support, and connection. Yet, when addiction takes hold, trust is often one of the first things to break. The damage it leaves behind can feel overwhelming—but here’s the good news: trust, while fragile, is never beyond repair....
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Recovery is often filled with twists, turns, and challenges. One of those challenges might be the risk of relapse. It’s important to understand what relapse is, why it happens, and how to recognize the warning signs. Knowing what to do if relapse occurs can help you stay on track and show yourself the compassion and...
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Watching someone you care about struggle with addiction can be devastating, especially when they refuse help. You might feel frustrated, helpless, or even angry—but it’s important to know that hope is not lost. While you can’t force someone into recovery, there are steps you can take to encourage them and protect their well-being as well...
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Making amends can feel overwhelming, but breaking it into smaller steps makes it more manageable.
Las Cruces Recovery Center in New Mexico offers a place to recover not only your health but also the relationships impacted by addiction. Making amends is a crucial part of this process, giving you the opportunity to confront the harm caused, take accountability, and start rebuilding trust. Making amends isn’t just about repairing relationships with...
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Making amends can feel overwhelming, but breaking it into smaller steps makes it more manageable.
Las Cruces Recovery Center in New Mexico offers a place to recover not only your health but also the relationships impacted by addiction. Making amends is a crucial part of this process, giving you the opportunity to confront the harm caused, take accountability, and start rebuilding trust. Making amends isn’t just about repairing relationships with...
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Boundaries can protect your sobriety by shielding you from triggers and pressures that could lead to relapse.
Recovery is about more than just giving up substances. It is about rebuilding your life to one that supports your well-being. A powerful tool you can use in this process is setting boundaries. Boundaries aren’t walls you put up. They are guidelines that help you protect your mental, emotional, and physical health. They create a...
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If you or a loved one is struggling with overuse of alcohol or drugs, and you know you would benefit from getting into a treatment program, do it now. Don’t wait until the new year. It’s tempting to tell yourself that you’ll continue to drink or use drugs through the holiday season and “get clean”...
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Thanksgiving is approaching, bringing with it memories of Thanksgivings past and excitement, worry, or a mix of emotions about Thanksgiving 2024. If you celebrate Thanksgiving and happen to be newly in addiction recovery, the holiday will likely hold some extra complexity. How can you make this year’s celebration one that supports your sobriety? We have...
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Your spouse or partner has completed their residential addiction treatment program and is ready to come home. The month you’ve spent without them has, hopefully, helped you gain clarity about what you want and need going forward. Maybe you’ve been fortunate enough to work with a therapist during this time, and that person may have...
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